Lino Monaco and Nicola Buono are the two masterminds behind duo, making their contemporary electronic music in their studio located on the southern s...
In March we premiered all of these amazing tracks by both established and upcoming artists. Enjoy!
Kryss Hypnowave - Ursa Major (Claudio PRC remix)
Berlin based producer AVION’s structured techno has found home on respected labels like Index Marcel Fengler, District 66, Stress Research and Pure. However, h...
Poland is getting more and more good reputation with extremely well-curated events and festivals such as Up To Date, Revive and Unsound. The Polish sound seems...
Here are all MNMT Premieres that we aired in February.
Artefakt - Far And Wide
@Artefakt-official launches their own imprint De Stijl. Monument premi...
Female:pressure network just released an update of their FACTS survey regarding female and male proportions at electronic music festivals.
Better known as E...
What could be a better way to start the year with, than mesmerising music by talented artists? Give another play for all MNMT premieres of January, all combined...
A year ago producer Milena Glowacka relocated from Warsaw to Reykjavik in Iceland in order to start less stressed chapter in her life. Currently, the Poland nat...