This August marked a third edition of the highly anticipated, yet somewhat mysterious Waking Life. Many of the electronic music lovers have likely visited Port...
Ashley Burchett, better known as Ø , is a techno producer, DJ, mastering enginer and artwork designer. Ø has been a household techno name in Europe for a lo...
Before the snow has fully melted, Monument caught Luigi Tozzi for a quick chat before his four-hour set at Monument’s club night arranged at Oslo’s Blå.
The Norwegian techno collective /grå is quite ineffable and elusive. Not only is it hard to track down on the web, but it is also hard to describe. A collective...
On the 5th of November a Swedish techno label and organization Substantiv is releasing their first, but by no means timid, compilation PRONOMINA. The compilatio...
Just over a month ago I was standing in a queue for Berghain. It was 35 degrees, and I was rubbing on sunscreen shared by a kind and tall guy with a magnificent...