A brand new small-format festival of avant-garde & experimental electronic music is happening in the heart of Barcelona this easter (11-17 April). Mostra will host a total of 25 local and international artists and more than 35 hours of music across two different stages. The team has created a fantastic lineup, with many of Monument’s favorite artists. The two stages will include the world-famous and unique Castell de Montjuïc and Hangar.
The Mostra project was born during the period of Covid-19 and now they want to celebrate life again after a long year and a half, in which culture has come to a standstill and it has not been possible to carry out such events.
The Mostra team has backgrounds from projects and festivals like Paral-lel, dublab, LATAM, Calma, Sónar+D, and many others, meaning that they really know what they are doing. This is clearly visible when looking at the website, lineup, and objective for the festival.
They believe that the new normal means cooperating and creating community. As the team communicates “Barcelona needs a festival like Mostra: we’re here to bring something unique, and become a reference point for a new type of festival which has its own identity, that bets on the local, is inclusive, and is sustainable”
If you have not created any plans for easter yet – then jump on this opportunity and come enjoy Mostra. Tickets are available here: https://www.mostra.barcelona/eng/
Full Lineup:

We are also coming as a big group from the Monument Family, and are excited to meet many like-minded friends in Barcelona. Feel free to drop us a message on Instagram if you want to meet up and chat with us there.