“Touch comes before sight, before speech. It is the first language and the last, and it always tells the truth”
– Margaret Atwood
Artist: Compilation (Javier Marimon, Olorun, Infinity, Foreign Material)
Album: Of Morning and of Glory
Label: IO Records
Release Date: December 12, 2021
Where do we come from..
Is it from the ground? A place unknown with this universe?
A good place? Maybe a bad place.

Beauty or Tragedy
When we die, our bodies are buried in the soil where our current vessel becomes one with Mother Nature. This inevitability can be understood in many different ways, because as you may know, the concept of “Forever” usually ends with some form of misery – Personally defined but each and every one of us.
Since we live and die in the same general vicinity of each other, we are naturally and socially connected to one another. Natural waves of emotions are transferred with indirect or direct intent on an hourly basis.
Humans are evolving creatures with complexities that can carry the weight of the entire universe. We are emotional creatures, organisms who can either feed off each other’s energies or dispel it. We practice these powers, or spells, through various forms of communication.
In other words.. The people you keep around play a large role when it comes to defining who you are. Ideally, you as an individual have the power to choose who and what enters your personal space.
Beautiful right?
Or.. Can it be tragic?

The talented creators of IO Records from Munich, Germany are in a league of their own when it comes to curating purely ingenius audio and visual productions.
Lead by astonishingly popular and perceptive souls named “Polygonia“, “Dycide“, and “MTRL” this imprint has completely embraced and executed a unique practice of diversification within their productions.
This record “Of Morning and Glory” is a compilation album that provides the listener with examples and lessons about natural human interaction.
This album contains 4 recordings, all from stellar artists whose production styles collectively give subtle nods in Mother Nature’s direction.
The concept for these tracks were inspired by Kwasu Tembo, a writer and musician who started the whole process by writing a lyrical text explaining the phenomenon of Synaesthesia as well as the idea of The Chinese Whisper game (Similar to telephone).
These words were then passed onto four visual artists: Dycide, MTRL, Ohneweil and Polygonia.

They then created visual artworks based on their own perspectives of Kwasu Tembo’s synaesthetical impression.

After those steps, everything was handed over to the musicians Foreign Material, Infinity, Javier Marimon and Olorun. The outcome are these beautifully crafted four musical pieces who arise from their visual impression of the digital designs.
These are the results of a complete streamlined experience..
What a unique collaboration between some of the best in the business!
Buy Album: Purchase: Of Morning And Of Glory (IO)