Following on from his acclaimed debut Code [Ostgut Ton] and his 12” Calm Down [MDR], due to be released on June 24th. Neume consists of three new tracks and the Berghain resident is staying true to his synonymous breakbeat techno sound.
If the preview is anything to go by, the title tracks eerie intro will hopefully lead into a mesmerizing EP. Meta appears to be more of an upbeat number with some piano chords rippling before a teasing vocal sample before the end of the preview we have available on Soundcloud.
Vis seems to separate itself from the previous two tracks with a more friendly sounding opening, which is reminiscent of the hands-in-the-air anthems from 1990s Ibiza.
Keep your eyes peeled for that June release date, as we are surely to have an EP that will send you nicely into the summer months.